• Clip-on monitor privacy filter
  • Clip-on monitor privacy filter
  • Clip-on monitor privacy filter
  • Clip-on monitor privacy filter
  • Clip-on monitor privacy filter
  • Clip-on monitor privacy filter
  • Clip-on monitor privacy filter

Clip-on monitor privacy filter

Every company places a high priority on protecting personal privacy, particularly in critical office positions. The monitor privacy filter is designed to enhance information security, keep computer data remains shielded from prying eyes.

Capacity :
Monthly 8,000,000 pieces
  • Introduction
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Clip-on monitor privacy filter Introduction

Monitor privacy filter

Every company places a high priority on protecting personal privacy, particularly in critical office positions. Our computer monitor privacy filter is designed to improve the security of your information and keep your computer information away from prying eyes.

Clip-on monitor privacy filter

Effective 30° privacy protection

With a 30° anti-peep angle, it ensures that those viewing from the sides cannot see your sensitive information, keeping your personal and professional data secure.

Monitor privacy filter

Easy Installation:

The clip-on design allows for quick and effortless installation and removal without causing any damage to your screen.

Clip-on privacy filter

Eye Comfort

It filters harmful light emitted from your screen, reducing eye strain and providing a more comfortable viewing experience.

Eye Comfort

Variety of Sizes

Available in multiple dimensions, including 14-inch, 16-inch, and 19-inch, it fits most mainstream monitor sizes and resolutions on the market.

Universal monitor privacy filter

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